Sheek Magazine


What is your fav content to consume?

When I was younger it was a balance of Young Adult Fantasy novels, an RPG game, and a fun anime.

Was all about Youtube in college; watching and making videos.

Nowadays I lean more towards podcasts and blogs.

I listen to more entertaining/inspiring podcasts written as a story but I do also enjoy a few educational ones as well.

Blogs are still my preference over social media because they are typically longer format, more tailored to my interests, and depending on the creator, AD free or limited.

Pinterest is still my go to for social media. It’s a great tool for those of us in the creative field and just fun to keep specific ideas on certain boards. I do miss the days when it was invite only and searching for something had endless scroll. Now there are so many ADs everywhere (many not at all applicable to myself.) But…capitalism.

Have your preferences for media changed over the years?


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