You’re all familiar with these babies. It’s finally cool enough to break out the boots! Still so glad I found these secondhand last season as I predict they will be worn just as much if not more this fall/winter.

These fulfill my need for a “dressy” option when it’s cold and/or snowy/icy outside. Plus these are just as comfy as the flat 1460 variety so I’m all for that.
OTHER ITEMS: Jumpsuit – Secondhand | Splatter Jacket – Handmade
Do you hear the heavenly music? Because I sure do when I look at these beautiful, bright red derby’s. Scored on poshmark just as I was considering purchasing a new pair of bright red docs. These are even better with the all-over red and were basically new so I even had the “pleasure” or breaking them in myself haha
OTHER ITEMS: Jeans – Levis | Tee – TJ Maxx | Linen Topper – Secondhand